Dear Councilmembers and Co-sponsors of Bill 52-14
Councilmember Berliner’s suggested changes to Bill 52-14 put us at risk. We have seen pesticide reform before, and that’s IPM. IPM in our Parks and elsewhere have failed our kids. IPM is subjective to the applicator, and it does not...

Film Viewing and Letter Writing Event Monday, May 18th
Safe Grow Montgomery, Cedar Lane Environmental Task Force/Climate Action & Sierra Club Maryland present: “A Chemical Reaction” FILM VIEWING & LETTER WRITING EVENT Date: Monday, May 18, 2015 Time: 7:00 pm – 9:30pm Location: Cedar Lane Unitarian Universalist Church...
Thank you to Montgomery Councilmembers for introducing bill to protect MOCO residents from lawn care pesticides
SAFE GROW MONTGOMERY PRESS RELEASE/STATEMENT Please contact: Safe Grow Montgomery is pleased that lawmakers have listened to residents, businesses, and organizations across Montgomery County concerning unwanted exposure to harmful lawn pesticides. We are grateful to Council Vice President...
How to approach your Homeowners Association (HOA) to limit the use of harmful lawn chemicals in your neighborhood
ASK FOR INFORMATION: Residents may ask the HOA board or management company for the Materials Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) of the lawn chemicals being used. The MSDS will list the immediate health risks of exposure. Lawn chemical applicators...
Springtime Greetings from Safe Grow Montgomery!
First, as you probably have noticed, the Spring fertilizer applications have begun, even as we’re hit with another snowstorm! Did you know that most early spring fertilizer applications also contain pre-emergent weed killer? After walking their children to school...
Safe Grow Montgomery at Dawson’s Market
We had a great time!