Update on Pesticide-Free Parks Campaign: Montgomery Parks continues toxic Roundup & cosmetic use of pesticides
The results from July's hearing on pesticide use in the Montgomery Parks were mostly disappointing but there are some wins for the public.

Media Release
For Immediate Release: Wednesday, July 17, 2019 Contact: Alex Zeineddin | alex@stavitskymedia.com| 202-360-7166 Gaithersburg, MD Maryland Court of Appeals denies pesticide industry and chemical lawn companies petition, upholds Montgomery County’s Law stopping pesticides on lawns Safe Grow Montgomery and...
Media Releases
MEDIA RELEASE: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Montgomery County MD Set to Defend Landmark Lawn Pesticide Ordinance in State of Maryland Appeals Court, September 11th, 2018 Contact: Alex Stavitsky-Zeineddin info@safegrowmontgomery.org T. 202 360-7166 Montgomery County, Maryland, Sept 5, 2018 – The...
Learn How to Maintain a Beautiful Lawn that also Protects our Waterways, our Wildlife & our Health
Bring your questions and come learn the essentials of pesticide-free lawn care from an organic lawn care expert at this free 90 minute workshop hosted by the City of Gaithersburg and its Environmental Affairs Committee, the Kentlands Community Foundation GO GREEN...
MEDIA RELEASE: Safe Grow Montgomery Pleased with Montgomery County Council Appeal of Healthy Lawns
MEDIA RELEASE: Alex Stavitsky-Zeineddin, Safe Grow Montgomery alex@stavitskymedia.com 202 360-7166 August 21, 2017, Gaithersburg, MD Safe Grow Montgomery applauds the decision of the Montgomery County Council to appeal the decision by Judge Terrance McGann of the Montgomery...
Safe Grow Montgomery Newsletter, Save Healthy Lawns
August 9, 2017 Read our latest newsletter below, urging Montgomery County residents to send letters to Montgomery County councilmembers to ask for http://us9.campaign-archive1.com/?u=2739df7d7a54ef8a182c26530&id=b4ca4a33b2
Media Release: Preemption Ruling a Blow for Health Protection
Groups Disappointed with Montgomery County Court Ruling on Maryland State Law Preempting Healthy Lawns Act- Restricting the Use of Lawn Pesticides in Private Lawns Media Contact: Alex Stavitsky-Zeineddin T. 202 360-7166 alex@stavitskymedia.com Montgomery County, Maryland, August 3, 2017 –...
Update on the David vs Goliath legal battle to defend Healthy Lawns Act
Dear Friends, May...
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Contact: Alex Stavitsky-Zeineddin info@safegrowmontgomery.org T.202 360-7166 May 16, 2017 Pesticide Industry Lawsuit Against a Maryland Community Goes to Court tomorrow, May 17. Safe Grow Montgomery (SGM) joins in Amicus with physician, beekeeper, and public health...